perm filename TALK.IBM[RDG,DBL] blob sn#696968 filedate 1983-02-01 generic text, type C, neo UTF8
C00001 00001
C00002 00002	∂TO bmt@mit-mc 11:54 28-Oct-82
C00004 00003	Part III: Analogy
C00013 00004	Defn: from BGB & Duda82:
C00017 00005	(arbitrary) Task - PA to Yorktown Heights
C00019 00006	Consider first: Can I travel from my starting location, to my destination?
C00021 00007	Part II -- Knowledge Acquisition
C00022 00008	Presentation to be given at IBM, 4-Nov-82
C00028 ENDMK
∂TO bmt@mit-mc 11:54 28-Oct-82
[for Dr Griesmer:] Abstract
Presentation to be given at TJ Watson Research Center, IBM

Expert Systems, Knowledge Acquisition, and Analogy

This talk will describe various aspects of Expert Systems (ES).  The first
section is an introduction -- to characterize what an ES is, and, using  a
simple example,  to give a sense of how  an ES can operate.  This  section
concludes with a  brief discussion  on their  strengths and  deficiencies.
The second part  of this talk focuses on one major weakness:  the  primary
bottle-neck of ES design, Knowledge Acquisition.  After describing many of
the difficulties, I will outline  some of the current proposed  solutions.
The concluding  third  section sketches  my  preliminary thoughts  on  how
Analogy may be used during Knowledge Acquisition.

Dr Griesmer, Dr Hong, et al,

	I would appreciate hearing your comments on the implied talk,
especially if you feel it would be inappropriate for this visit, or
for this audience.
Also, am I correct in aiming for a one hour presentation?

Thank you,

Jim Griesmer called 2:43, 28-Oct-82, and spoke w/Jock
	Abstract is ok, talk = 1 hour, including questions
Part III: Analogy

[back up, to discuss analogy. Then back to solving this problem]

A. Two areas of Research
  1. Adequate def'n of Analogy
	As in "What's in an Analogy" (w/MRB)
  2. Running System, 
	Using formalism
  3. Discuss latter

B. Def'n of my task:
  1. Use of Analogy for KA - not Problem Solving, ...
  2. Why chosen? - well constrained, ...

C. Example 1
  0. Simple -- "automated copy & edit"
  1. "VM is like BM, except ..."
  2. Context
  3. Sample Rules, facts, ...
  4. Desired conclusions

D. Example 2
  0. More elaborate
  1. "Renal system is like Electrical System, in that both are circuits"

E. Research methodology, time table, ...

Final comments:
  Credit: MRG and DBL all around; and to TGD & JSB for KA

Defn: from BGB & Duda82:
A computer Program that provides expert-level solutions to important problems
and is:
Heuristic: reasons w/judgement knowledge as well as formal knowledge
Transparent: probides explanations of its line of reasoning and answers
	queries about is knowledge
Flexible: integrates new knowledge incrementally.

General Character:
Often deals will difficult problems,
Usually w/uncertain, or errorful, data

[like that article, we'll focus on Rule Based systems.]

Comparison with 
	(i) Simple Procedures
	(ii) Baysean Systems

[Will describe single example - which pins down some aspects.
 Still true elsewhere, for BBs, or Frame Based Systems, ...]

Inference scheme is simple, "driven" by the facts

Facts are MODULAR - making the system
	quick to build
	easy to (debug) modify
	explanatory (i.e. it can explain its conclusions)

Declarative - so facts can be used for other purposes.

Back-chaining -
	So can be "Hierarchical" -- can narrow down conclusions...
	Meta - is easy, can even use same inference...

Ex: Mycin
	(or Kinship, or Symbolic Integration [NO:  their field], or
	 Circuit Diagnosis [NO: DART], ...)
(arbitrary) Task - PA to Yorktown Heights

Find flight ?F s.t.
	(Flight ?F PA YorktownHeights)

Static, Domain level Facts

(Flight	American#28 SJC Chicago)
(Airline American#28 American)
; No - really for both flights!! (Cost	American#28 $109)
(Periodicity American#28 Daily)
(Times American#28 9:28AM 3:15PM)

(Flight	American#446 SJC Leguardia)
(Airline American#446 American)
(Periodicity American#446 Daily)
(Times American#446 4:00PM 6:59PM)

***** NY→WPB *****
 5/XI	Eastern #883	NY-Leg	WPB		[$129]
Fri			2:20PM	4:55PM

***** WPB→Boston *****
 8/XI	Eastern #1608	WPB	Atlanta		[$99]
Mon			9:35AM	11:04AM
	Eastern #690	Atlanta	Boston
			12:23PM	2:40PM

***** Boston→SJ *****
10/XI	American #315	Boston	Dallas		[$169]	<15D>
Wed			5:46PM	8:50PM
	American #507	Dallas	SJC			<15D>
			9:35PM	11:02PM

$754 for
	SJC →  NY on 3/XI,
	NY  → SJC on 5/XI
(Flight American
Consider first: Can I travel from my starting location, to my destination?
[later issues of what is that path,
and then more complex]


∀ $From, $To, $F. (Flight $F $From $To)  => (CanReach $From $To)

∀ A, B, C. (CanReach A B) & (CanReach B C) => (CanReach A C)

[could use 2nd order Transitive(CanReach)]



IF ( (TryingToAchieve (CanReach $A $B)) & (LightlyTravelled $A) )
 THEN "SubGoal from departure point, $A"

[i.e. find those (CanReach $A <to>) first,
 (using (Flight <f1> $A <to>) )
 then worry about (CanReach <to> $B). ]
That is, use
Transitivity-CanReach-1 rather than Transitivity-CanReach, where

∀ F, A, B, C. (Flight F A B) & (CanReach B C) => (CanReach A C)

IF ( (TryingToAchieve (CanReach $A $B)) & (LightlyTravelled $B) )
 THEN "SubGoal from destination, $B"

That is, use
Transitivity-CanReach-2 rather than Transitivity-CanReach, where

∀ F, A, B, C. (CanReach A B) & (Flight F B C) => (CanReach A C)

Part II -- Knowledge Acquisition

This is main bottleneck.
Why?  (present here several possibilities - credit to Tom D and Jim B)

... Experts have not explicated facts (why else apprentiseship)
Usually work by examplars, not rules (or other hard causal...)
Much "compiled in" - like driving a car


Part III -- Analogy
Corollary: Analogy will help.
First, consider what I mean here by analogy:
	not as reasoning, per se, but as way of inputting "data"
Presentation to be given at IBM, 4-Nov-82

*** OverView of Analogy ***


   [Why analogy] Analogies used all the time
   [Why paper] No one has formalized what is going on
   [What is paper] NOT: how description of how to use an analogy;
	rather, what it means to use an analogy ...
	is a formalizaion of what it is -- i.e. not code, ...
   [Outline of talk] 
   [Meta Note] Represents research in progress. 
	∃ still many unanswered questions -- this just provides some of
	vocabulary needed to address them.
*** this is important, to keep audience interested ***

Framework of an analogy?
  From facts, assert Analogous(A B ...)
  From Analogous(A B...), and F1(A B), deduce some F2(A B)
  Ex:	VM like BM => VM is a disease,
	EC like Water Flow => Expect some resouviour -- battery, (or do diagnosis...)
  [Specific subcases:
	Using f1(B), deduce f1'(A), where f1 and f1' are related.
	Usually weakened to *Conjecture* new proposals ... ]

  Now consider what goes into these Analogous propositions:

>2 args
   At least 2 - the analogues
	[in what form? We'll disuss later]
   [Case for exactly 2 args]
	Std usage
	Winston, Carbonell, ... 
   Ex: Fred & George; Washington:1::Lincoln:?; ...
   Must be something else - the context, or "answer" (mapping, theory, ...), ...

Two digression here:
   (Surface) Linguistic?, or deep
   Why is binary Analogous so seductive?

(before asking for other args,)
What are "analogue args"?
   [Other args are function of this -- e.g. mapping over SOMETHING]
   Cannot be objects themselves, ... rather ... a description of it
   --- leads to reformulation

(1) Analogy = Common Theory
   3 arg = that theory, which each analogue instantiates
   Ex: Biological tree and corporate hierarchy  -- each is a tree (in CS sense)
	or Renal system & Electrical System -- each is a circuit, ...
   Useful for
	1. extracting relevant features of A and B 
	   (and ok at putting parts into correspondence)
	2. establishing new facts about "new" analogue (in canonical use)
	   Ex: diagnosis for RS, based on ES
	3. can compile inventory - so given A and B can find common C readily
	4. Combining analogies, to ...
	<others, pertaining to analogy qua object for study - comparison, ...>
	1. No explicit mapping, of differences
	   Ex: "after substituting..." or ...
	2. ...

(2) Analogy = Mapping
   3rd arg = mapping function.
   Ex: shakespeare plays, ...
   Useful for
	1. explicating differences
	1. explicating commonalities
	2. building inventory

Solution - elements of both
	[See Polya - sibling of "generalization" hierarchy]
  Explicate both commonality and differences

Remaining issues
  *** here gets fuzzier ***
   Symbol-symbol mapping inappropriate - need sentence to sentence
	now need to constrain this -- i.e. recursive...
   Reformulation -- the initial represention of the analogue(s) may not
	explicate the connection -- may need to find some other description
	[e.g. circle : sphere obvious in polar coordiates [r=constant, others
	 arbitrary], but hard in rectangular... See polya for class of problems]
	Learn that wire go both ways, as conduits in the body do -- and so an "input"
	 to a circuit could drive something else to zero.

My work-
	Use of analogy for KA
